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!at: Choy King Collection



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Choy King Collection donates to Let’s PRAY Tuskegee!

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From Hair Extensions to hair styling Choy King Collection offers a range of services for our clients at an affordable price; Natural hair care, Chic cuts, Scalp treatments, & Wig Installations.  Our mission is to build a relationship between each and every client, to leave feeling naturally enhanced and knowledgeable.

Choy King is the beautifully, talented individual with the brains behind the brand. With so much talent and unique personality Choy has gained a huge fan base across the world. Choy is also known for her exquisite cutting techniques, flawless curls and her chic bobs.





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Charity Information

Let’s PRAY Tuskegee! Store 1114

When you shop and buy at this store you help raise money for the Dreamwood Vision Center for B.A.A.D...Read More

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