Helping Buyers and Sellers Support their Charity of Choice!


Salina Street Merge Shop

Phone: 1-800-224-6954
2306 South Salina Street
Syracuse, NY 13205

Salina Street Merge Shop

Welcome to the Salina Street Merge Shop

Warning! Warning! Warning!

Shopping at this store makes the members and young people at  People’s A.M.E. Zion Church smile.

When you buy gifts and other items from our youth store our youth program receives a cash donation from Merge.

Remember this fact!

Wal-Mart, Target,, do not send cash donations to A.M.E. Zion Youth Groups. MergeNow Does!

If your church does not have a FREE  MergeNow Shop!

E-mail: today!

Special Thanks To James Varick Christian Bookstore Team Ruby

Special Thanks To Merge  Team Members Robert W. Nelson and Derrick Purefoy

Special Thanks To Shaun Brickhandler  of Love My Charity

This youth store is powered by the Merge network 2014

Quote of the day!

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is,’What are we doing for others?’”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.